How to Install and use Newa Keylayout
On Linux Platform
By clicking on this link, the Save File process will begin. Remember where you save it!
Download Link (tar)
once the file is downloaded open terminal
change directory to the downloaded file location
eg: # cd /home/(user)/Downloads/
check for file newa-keylayout.tar.gz
#ls -a newa-keylayout.tar.gz
untar files
#tar -zxvf newa-keylayout.tar.gz
#unzip (if you download zip file)
onced the files are untar/unzip change diretory to the newa-keylayout
#cd newa-keylayout
Install the files run command (make sure your user is in the sudoers list)
# sudo bash -
it will ask for your user password input user password
then logout and relogin or restart the system to activate the installed keyboard
for ubuntu and debian derivative use #sudo dpkg-reconfigure xkb-data
once logged in you can go to keyboard settings and add newa keyboard
open settings from the GUI and select keyboard
Then click on (+) sign to add new keyboard
After you will be presented with window below to add the keyboardClick on three dots (⋮) to search keylayout
you can search nepal and click on Nepal Bhasa(Nepal) from the list
The keyboard will be shown
select the keyboard Nepal Bhasa(Nepal) and click on Add
After this you can close settings
then you can open application eg. writer / Chrome or any other application
Select the keyboard from the menu
Then you can start typing in newa