Deafness may be congenital or a result of a childhood illness like Measles, meningitis, high fever or any infection that goes untreated. In Nepal, there are families with multiple children with deafness and more often than not they are diagnosed much later than they would have been in a developing country. There is a school in Pruwanchal that serves the wide terai community by offering standard classes from grades 1 to 7. The children soon learn Nepali sign language, lip reading and audiology training for those with some hearing. This is total communication, as developed by Indira Shrestha, the founder of the Nepali Sign Language with the Welfare Society of the Hearing Impaired (WSHI)!
The principal of this school is Renukha, her passion for the welfare of these children show in the children’s enthusiasm for learning, for supporting each other and for dreaming of bright futures!
TRIFC sponsors 17 children today for about 4 years now and they showed their appreciation by presenting dramas, dance and their offerings of flowers to us during our visit !
The parents spoke their deep gratitude towards their support and they are proud of their children, we hope they brag about them to their community because with the education these children receive, they can seed the attitude that children living in silence are capable of a productive fruitful life!
Speaking to the founding chairman, Mr Suba, he has big dreams too! He dreams of building their own school and expanding to class 10 and eventually 12 as the new education policy expands schooling through + 2. It also has an entire floor dedicated to a girls and boys hostel plus the kitchen which is getting pretty cramped as well. There’s a long list here as well which will require much deliberation and thought!
Gina Rose