Bishwo Bhasa Campus the only campus of the international language in the country. has been reeling under the row over appointment of part time teachers. Just last month, the college was shut down for 13 days by a student organisation claiming that four teachers appointed in February were appointed ‘illegally’. “If those illegal teachers are given classes, we will have no option but to protest,” Roma th Shrestha. student leader of the ANNFSU-R, which is affiliated with the CPN-Revolutionary Maoist. said on Thursday. The ANNFSU-R had padlocked the college from August 1 to 13, and the issue was settled after the campus administration assured them that the appointment of the four part time teachers would be investigated by the monitoring department of the Tribhuvan University (TU). The student leader said that Subash Adhikari, Bimal Ghimire. Dinanath Ma Mali and Govinda Dhungana were appointed without due process. “Even in the appointment letter given to them. their name is not written but only their place of birth.” Govinda Kaini. assistant campus chief who also was the coordinator of the interview committee formed to select part time teachers. said the committee had completed all the formalities. However, the students claimed that those who secured low marks in the interview were given appointment. It is also found that in the campus documents the teachers were appointed as Hindi translator whereas in their appointment letter they were mentioned as English teachers. The teachers did not take classes just after their appointment but showed up recently in the campus demanding they be given classes. Campus chief, Bhima Nath Regmi, declined to comment on the issue but said that it was internal matter and would be solved soon. The campus is recognised as authentic translator for the government agencies. Over 11 foreign languages are taught in the campus. Currently 55 teachers are working as part time teachers in the campus. Source: The Rising Nepal, 9th Sept 2016. – See more at:
Row over part-time teachers at Bishwo Bhasa Campus