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𑐐𑐿𑐬 𑐣𑐾𑐰𑐵𑑅 𑐧𑑂𑐰𑐩𑐶𑐥𑐶𑐣𑑂𑐟 𑐱𑐏𑐢𑐬𑐫𑐵 𑐎𑐶𑐥𑐵𑑅 𑐡𑐸𑐐𑐸 𑐎𑐵𑐥𑐷 𑐮𑑅 𑐮𑑂𑐴𑐵𑐟

𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮 𑐳𑑄𑐧𑐟 𑐣𑑂𑐴𑐹𑐡𑑃 𑐳𑐩𑐵𑐬𑑀𑐴 𑐳𑐩𑐶𑐟𑐶 𑑑𑑑𑑔𑑒 𑐥𑐵𑐏𑐾𑑄 𑐥𑐶𑐡𑑃𑐐𑐸 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮 𑐳𑑄𑐰𑐟𑐫𑐵 𑐥𑑂𑐬𑐰𑐡𑑂𑐢𑐎 𑐮𑐶𑐳𑐾𑑄 𑐬𑐵𑐚𑑂𑐬𑐶𑐫 𑐰𑐶𑐨𑐸𑐟𑐶 𑐱𑑄𑐏𑐢𑐬 𑐱𑐵𑐏𑑂𑐰𑐫𑐵 𑐎𑐶𑐥𑐵𑑅 𑐡𑐸𑐐𑐸 𑐎𑐵𑐥𑐷 𑐐𑐿𑐬 𑐣𑐾𑐰𑐵𑑅 𑐧𑑂𑐰𑐩𑐶𑐥𑐶𑐣𑑂𑐟 𑐠𑑂𑐫𑐎𑐾𑐐𑐸 𑐣𑐶𑐟𑐶𑑄 𑐟𑑂𑐫𑑁𑐜 𑐩𑐵𑐢𑑂𑐫𑐩𑐶𑐎 𑐧𑐶𑐡𑑂𑐫𑐵𑐮𑐫𑐫𑐵𑐟 𑐮𑑅𑐮𑑂𑐴𑐵𑐐𑐸 𑐡𑐸 𑑋 𑐳𑐵𑐩𑐵𑐬𑑀𑐴 𑐳𑐩𑐶𑐟𑐶𑐫𑐵 𑐣𑐵𑐫𑑅 𑐣𑐶𑐬𑐘𑑂𑐖𑐣 𑐬𑐟𑑂𑐣 𑐱𑐵𑐎𑑂𑐫𑑄 𑐠𑑁𑑄 𑐁𑐂𑐟𑐰𑐵𑑅 𑐠𑐠𑐾 𑐮𑑅 …

𑐐𑐿𑐬 𑐣𑐾𑐰𑐵𑑅 𑐧𑑂𑐰𑐩𑐶𑐥𑐶𑐣𑑂𑐟 𑐱𑐏𑐢𑐬𑐫𑐵 𑐎𑐶𑐥𑐵𑑅 𑐡𑐸𑐐𑐸 𑐎𑐵𑐥𑐷 𑐮𑑅 𑐮𑑂𑐴𑐵𑐟 Read...

𑐴𑑂𑐫𑐵𑐄𑑃𑐐𑐸 𑐴𑐶

–𑐬𑐵𑐖 𑐩𑐴𑐬𑑂𑐖𑐣 𑐥𑑂𑐬𑐵𑐞𑐩𑐵𑐫𑐵 𑐠𑑅 𑐨𑐵𑑅𑐟 𑐟𑐔𑑂𑐰𑐫𑑂𑐎 𑐩𑑂𑐴 𑐩𑐦𑐫𑐵 𑐴𑐳𑑂𑐥𑐶𑐟𑐮𑐫𑑂 𑐴𑐫𑐾𑐩𑐵𑑅𑐧𑐮𑐾 𑐟𑐎 𑐣𑑄 𑐠𑑅𑐩𑑂𑐴𑑄 𑐕𑐾𑑃 𑐣𑑄 𑐥𑐶𑐟𑐶𑐣𑐵𑐩𑑂𑐴 𑐎𑐵𑐫𑑂 𑐬𑐵𑐖𑐾𑐱𑐫𑐵𑐟 𑐳𑐟𑐎𑐾 𑐩𑐕𑑂𑐰 𑑋 𑐥𑑂𑐬𑐵𑐞𑐩𑐵𑐫𑐵𑐫𑐵 𑐡𑐟𑐦𑐟 𑐕𑐩𑑂𑐴 𑐴𑐾 𑐖𑐎 𑐎𑐵𑐫𑑂 𑐬𑐵𑐖𑐾𑐱 𑑋 𑐟𑐬 𑐬𑐵𑐖𑐾𑐱𑑄 𑐠𑑅𑐐𑐸 𑐳𑐶𑐧𑐾𑑄 𑐎𑑂𑐰𑐫𑑂 𑐖𑐵𑐟𑐫𑐵𑐩𑑂𑐴 𑐩𑐶𑐳𑐵 𑐧𑑂𑐫𑐵𑐴𑐵 𑐫𑐵𑐫𑐾𑐐𑐸 𑐢𑐶𑐥𑐶 𑐎𑑂𑐫𑑄𑐧𑐮𑐾 …

𑐴𑑂𑐫𑐵𑐄𑑃𑐐𑐸 𑐴𑐶 Read...

𑐥𑑂𑐬𑐡𑐾𑐱𑐫𑑂 𑐨𑐵𑐲𑐵 𑐎𑐵𑐬𑑂𑐫𑐵𑐣𑑂𑐰𑐫𑐣𑐫𑐵 𑐣𑐶𑐟𑐶𑑄 𑐳𑑂𑐰𑑄𑐐𑐹 𑐮𑑃𑐥𑐸

𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑑅𑐫𑐵 𑐳𑑄𑐰𑐶𑐢𑐵𑐣 𑐎𑐠𑑄 𑐐𑐛𑐣 𑐖𑐹𑐐𑐸 𑐨𑐵𑐲𑐵 𑐁𑐫𑑀𑐐𑑄 𑐳𑐶𑐦𑐵𑐬𑐶𑐳 𑐫𑐵𑑅𑐎𑐠𑑄 𑐧𑐵𑐐𑑂𑐩𑐟𑐷 𑐥𑑂𑐬𑐡𑐾𑐱𑐫𑑂 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮𑐨𑐵𑐲𑐵 𑐰 𑐟𑐵𑐩𑐵𑐒 𑐨𑐵𑐲𑐵𑐫𑐵𑐟 𑐎𑐵𑐩𑐎𑐵𑐖𑐶 𑐨𑐵𑐲𑐵𑐫𑐵 𑐬𑐸𑐥𑐫𑑂 𑐎𑐵𑐬𑑂𑐫𑐵𑐣𑑂𑐰𑐫𑐣 𑐫𑐵𑐫𑐾𑐐𑐸 𑐣𑐶𑐟𑐶𑑄 𑐧𑐵𑐐𑑂𑐩𑐟𑐷 𑐥𑑂𑐬𑐡𑐾𑐱 𑐳𑐬𑐎𑐵𑐬𑑄 𑐮𑐶𑐧𑐵𑐎𑑂𑐎 𑐖𑐹𑐳𑐵𑑄 𑐐𑐸𑐐𑐸 𑐎𑐠𑑄 𑐏𑑃 𑐎𑑂𑐰𑑅𑐕𑐶𑐟 𑐄𑐎𑐶𑐫𑐵𑐟 𑐎𑐫𑐵𑑅 𑐣𑐾𑐰𑐵𑑅 𑐰 𑐟𑐵𑐩𑐵𑐒 𑐳𑐩𑐸𑐡𑐵𑐫𑑄 𑐮𑐳𑐎𑐸𑐳 𑐫𑐵𑑅𑐐𑐸 𑐡𑐸 𑑋 𑐁𑑅 …

𑐥𑑂𑐬𑐡𑐾𑐱𑐫𑑂 𑐨𑐵𑐲𑐵 𑐎𑐵𑐬𑑂𑐫𑐵𑐣𑑂𑐰𑐫𑐣𑐫𑐵 𑐣𑐶𑐟𑐶𑑄 𑐳𑑂𑐰𑑄𑐐𑐹 𑐮𑑃𑐥𑐸 Read...

𑐮𑑀𑐥𑑀𑐣𑑂𑐩𑐸𑐏 𑐣𑐾𑐰𑐵𑑅 𑐧𑐵𑐖𑑄

𑐕𑐸𑑄 𑐣𑑄 𑐳𑐨𑑂𑐫𑐟𑐵𑐫𑐵 𑐩𑑂𑐴𑐳𑐶𑐎𑐵 𑐢𑐫𑐵𑐐𑐸 𑐣𑑂𑐰𑐰𑐵𑐫𑐾𑐐𑐸 𑐨𑐵𑐫𑑂, 𑐮𑐶𑐥𑐶, 𑐎𑐮𑐵𑐎𑐺𑐟𑐶, 𑐩𑑂𑐫𑐾,𑐳𑐒𑑂𑐐𑐶𑐟 , 𑐧𑐵𑐖𑑄, 𑐣𑐳𑐵𑐟𑑂𑐰𑑃𑐳𑐵, 𑐰𑐳𑑅, 𑐣𑑂𑐴𑐶 𑐴𑐣𑐾𑐐𑐸 𑐥𑐴𑑅, 𑐧𑐸𑐂𑐧𑐮𑐫𑑂 𑐣𑐶𑐳𑐾𑑄𑐳𑐷𑐧𑐮𑐫𑑂 𑐟𑐎 𑐫𑐵𑐂𑐐𑐸 𑐳𑑄𑐳𑑂𑐎𑐵𑐬 𑐁𑐡𑐶𑑄 𑐧𑐶𑐫𑐵𑐔𑑂𑐰𑐣𑐷 𑑋 𑐣𑐾𑐰𑐵𑑅 𑐕𑐐𑐹 𑐖𑐵𑐟 𑐖𑐎 𑐩𑐏𑐳𑐾 𑐕𑐐𑐹 𑐳𑐨𑑂𑐫𑐟𑐵 𑐏𑑅 𑑋 𑐩𑐾𑐐𑐸 𑐖𑐣𑐖𑐵𑐟𑐶 𑐳𑑂𑐰𑐫𑐵𑑄 𑐧𑐶𑐳𑑂𑐎𑑄 𑐖𑐸𑐫𑐵𑑅 𑐣𑐾𑐰𑐵𑑅 𑐳𑐨𑑂𑐫𑐟𑐵 𑐡𑐸𑐣𑐾 …

𑐮𑑀𑐥𑑀𑐣𑑂𑐩𑐸𑐏 𑐣𑐾𑐰𑐵𑑅 𑐧𑐵𑐖𑑄 Read...

Sainik Awasiya Mahavidyalaya is Real School of Nepal 2016

Sainik Awasiya Mahavidyalaya is Real School of Nepal 2016 <img class=”size-full wp-image-319776″ src=”http://thehimalayantimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Real-School-of-Nepal-2016-winner-Sainik-Awasiya-Mahavidyalaya.jpg” alt=”Real School of Nepal 2016 winner Sainik Awasiya Mahavidyalaya” width=”842″ height=”562″ srcset=”https://thehimalayantimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Real-School-of-Nepal-2016-winner-Sainik-Awasiya-Mahavidyalaya.jpg 842w, https://thehimalayantimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Real-School-of-Nepal-2016-winner-Sainik-Awasiya-Mahavidyalaya-300×200.jpg 300w, https://thehimalayantimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Real-School-of-Nepal-2016-winner-Sainik-Awasiya-Mahavidyalaya-768×513.jpg 768w, https://thehimalayantimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Real-School-of-Nepal-2016-winner-Sainik-Awasiya-Mahavidyalaya-135×90.jpg 135w” sizes=”(max-width: 842px) 100vw, 842px” /> Photo Courtesy: Noor …

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नेविसंघको महाधिवशनले विश्व भाषा क्याम्पसको अध्ययन-अध्यापन ठप्प

नेविसंघको महाधिवशनले विश्व भाषा क्याम्पसको अध्ययन-अध्यापन ठप्प साउन २८ । नेविसंघको महाधिवशनका कारण विश्व भाषा क्याम्पसको अध्ययन अध्यापन कार्य ढप्प भएको छ । तीन दिनभित्र महाधिवेशन सक्ने भनेर क्याम्पस प्रयोग गरिएता पनि १० दिन वित्न लाग्दा पनि महाधिवेशन नसिकिएका कारण …

नेविसंघको महाधिवशनले विश्व भाषा क्याम्पसको अध्ययन-अध्यापन ठप्प Read...

Vacancy – US Embassy

Vacancy notice:  The American Embassy in Kathmandu is seeking an individual for the position of Security Investigator. Job Position: Security Investigator BASIC FUNCTION OF THE POSITION The incumbent performs a full range of personal background security investigations to determine the …

Vacancy – US Embassy Read...

Teachers Application Queue

Teachers are mostly admired as liberal-minded people of the society, and they deserve to be, because through their contribution our society shape the canvas of its future. Changes are often but how we emerge within ourselves, and they are the …

Teachers Application Queue Read...

40000+apply for 611posts

Teachers Service Commission today said a total of 40,157 applicants have applied for 611 permanent positions that have been vacant since April 24, 2006, of secondary level teachers in 14 subjects, 65 times more than the available vacancies. TSC spokesperson …

40000+apply for 611posts Read...

VSO Nepal Education

Activity: Improving the quality and inclusiveness of schools in Nepal Name of the Organization: Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) Nepal Headquarter: Nepal Geographical reach: National Number of beneficiaries: 31,500 children Project Representative: Mr. Raj Kumar Ghandarba Websites: http://www.vsointernational.org/ About the Project …

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अमेरिकामा गुरुआमा सम्मानीत

बालकुमारी उच्च मावि नारायणगढ चितवनका पुर्व विद्यार्थी द्धारा आफनो गुरुआमा  सरस्वती रिजाललाई सम्मान I हिमालयखवर संवाददाता, टेक्सस I  १९ जनवरी २०१६ , चितवन जिल्ला स्थित शिक्षा क्षेत्रमा अग्रणी बालकुमारी उच्च मा.वि नारायणगढ चितवनका  प्राचार्य सरस्वती रिजाललाई टेक्सास स्थित ड्यालसमा उक्त विद्यालयका पुर्व …

अमेरिकामा गुरुआमा सम्मानीत Read...

HeNN Nepal Fundraiser

Nepal Earthquake 2015 Fundraiser Nepal has been seriously devastated by the recent earthquake. Over 8,000 people have died (with death toll rising), thousands more are injured, and countless more have been displaced. Many homes, temples, and public monuments have been …

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